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From the Community: What Are You Thankful For This Year?

Community Conversations

December 09, 2022

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Photography by Lindsay Crandall/Stocksy United

Photography by Lindsay Crandall/Stocksy United

by Sydney Koeplin


Medically Reviewed by:

Debra Rose Wilson, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT


by Sydney Koeplin


Medically Reviewed by:

Debra Rose Wilson, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT


Practicing gratitude is important any time of the year, but it can be especially grounding during the busy holiday season.

Life can be hectic, especially during the holiday season. Family, work, doctor’s appointments, and other commitments can sometimes prevent us from taking a mindful moment. But taking stock of what we’re grateful for can be a great way to ground ourselves.

Practicing gratitude comes with a lot of benefits, like improving your mental health, strengthening your relationships, and even boosting your immune system.

The holidays can provide a great space for relaxation and reflection. For many, it’s a joyous time to celebrate with the ones we love, look back on the past year, and look forward to the new one ahead.

We asked the Bezzy community what they’re thankful for this year. Here’s what they said.

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For my life

“I am grateful to be alive. For living each day with grace and doing the best that I can to navigate a parallel universe: my every day and my cancer journey. I’m thankful for the unconditional love of my sons, the care of my family, and the strength and perseverance of my mom, who passed away this year but accompanies me through all the good and the bad.” — Deliaalg, Bezzy BC community member

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For the small things every day

“​​I have a Mason jar on my kitchen counter, which I call my Thankful Jar. Every day, I put a post-it note with one thing I am thankful for in the jar. It doesn’t have to be anything earth-shattering. Even just being thankful for a bright, warm day to walk 4 miles. In January, I will empty the jar for the first time since 2019 and start again. It’ll be interesting to read what I wrote this year.” — Christina99, Bezzy BC community member

For my clear test results

“Thankful for my unilateral mastectomy and lymph node mapping coming back clear. I am thankful to be a survivor and to have friends who love me and understand how painful this process is.” — Barb Ciesnolevicz, Bezzy BC Instagram follower

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For my care team

“I am very grateful for my medical team. From doctors to technicians to nurses to all the office staff, I am so thankful for their help keeping me as healthy as possible.” — lesliekogan, Bezzy BC Instagram follower

For the Bezzy community

“I’m thankful to have my Bezzy buddies. Their support is so helpful because they all understand. Sometimes, just reading through the chats helps me. I’m thankful to have more good days than bad.” — Iamastrong1, Bezzy BC community member

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The takeaway

Sometimes, a little gratitude can go a long way. Even if we’re not exactly where we want to be in life, finding things to be thankful for is healthy for our body and mind.

You’re not on this journey alone. As always, we’re here for you at Bezzy.

Medically reviewed on December 09, 2022

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About the author

Sydney Koeplin

Sydney Koeplin holds a bachelor’s degree in English and German Studies from Colby College. Her work has been published in the Intrepid Times, Qu Literary Magazine, Hypertext Magazine, and elsewhere. You can visit her website to learn more. In her free time, she enjoys swimming, reading, and taking long walks around her neighborhood.

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